

Follow Yung Lions

“Every wolf ‘s and lion’s howl / Raises from Hell a human soul.”

Friday, April 11, 2014

#FF: No excuses, I'm lame

Tell us about a book that you didn’t like and why we shouldn’t read it (as nicely and respectfully as possible)

I'll go with the first book that came to mind: Liar by Justine Larbalestier.

This book just had way too many, you guessed it, Lies for me to get down with it. It might be because I was pretty young when I read it, so maybe I didn't really "get" it. But I remember having very strong negative feelings about this book, so that's what I'll go with.

Props to having a woman of colour as the lead character, however! We don't see enough representation in YA...or..well..in anything, really.

I haven't been much of a book blog lately, or much of a blog in general really. But I'm excited to be finished with my first year of uni and get on with the things I actually like doing, like running this site.

Follow me however you like, bloglovin, GFC, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I'll be sure to return the favour :)

I must get back to studying, happy Friday!


  1. I haven't head of this one. New GFC follower here! I'd love it if you returned the favor :) Have a nice weekend

  2. Never heard of this one! The lies would get to me too.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I haven't heard of this one. I don't think it would be for me so thanks for letting me know about it. New Bloglovin follower!

    My FF

  4. I never heard of this book but I certainly understand the disappointment when you have expectations about a book and it sucks.
    Following via Bloglovin' and GFC.
    My FF: http://bit.ly/1lVlfzR

  5. This one is new to me, but lies... humm, not for me.

    New bloglovin' follower, have a great weekend =)

    My FF
    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  6. Hey Happy Friday! I've actually never heard of that book before, but it doesn't look all that interesting.

    I'm a new follower via bloglovin

    My F&F
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  7. Hopping through. I havne't read this one but remember hearing some good things about it. Too bad it didn't work for you.
    My FF

  8. Happy FF! New blog loving and GFC follower. Never heard of this but that's normal for me.
    Follow me here

  9. Oh, I really loved this one! Sad you didn't like it though!

    New bloglovin and GFC follower! :)

    Our FFF


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